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To install the latest official release:

pip install bmds


To install a development version (instructions for Mac/Linux; may need to be adapted for Windows):

# clone repo
git clone

# create a new python virtual environment
python -m venv venv

# active virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate

# install package in developer mode and developer tools
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Tests are written using pytest. To run all tests:

# run all tests

# To run a specific test
py.test -k test_my_special_test_name

There's a built in Makefile command, make dev that creates a tmux application which auto-update the documentation; check out the Makefile for a list of other built-in actions.

BMDS Priors Report

The Python BMDS library includes bayesian priors and frequentist parameter initialization settings that have been tuned to help improve model fit performance. To generate a report of the settings in all the possible permutations, run the command:
